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Content of /etc/resolv.conf changes after reboot

It's me again...

I'm having here a strange problem. Long time ago I told my Debian
the time I installed it that my nameserver is
But I had to change my nameserver. Every time I edit my resolv
by hand it gets lost after a time or at boot up. I guess - or better
I hope - that it's changing it back to the exactly old nameserver
because the fact that I told at installation of Debian that this 
should be my nameserver. Does anybody knows a hint for me?

			$ Hello World!
		      $ I am [Ff]rank ;)
1024D/EC4CE5CC 2002-05-14 Frank Brodbeck <oakenshield@gmx.net>
fingerprint = 193D 62EC 03A5 1066 A951  4DA3 947A D578 EC4C E5CC

Attachment: pgpzpuk8AltLh.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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