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Woody installation problem


Yesterday I loaded down the Woody GNU/Linux CD images and burned the 
debian-30r0-i386-binary-1.iso successfully.
[Until now I used SuSE 7.0/7.2/8.0 and want to give Debian a try]
When booting my system with this CD, I got the normal Installation-start screen.

Next I pressed <F3> and choose the bf24-Kernel to boot.
All went well and I was asked for the Language, I choose DE and next for the
special German country, I choose Deutschland, and then ...

"An error occured while loading application messages" <CONTINUE>
After pressing continue the system rebooted   :(

I encircled the error situation: it seems to depend on my SCSI-CD-Rom.
When chosen the compact-kernel it occured identically, but with idepci and linux
(default) Kernel it goes well. But later when I have to chose the medium to
 install-from, I don't see my SCSI-CD-Rom, so I can't proceed with non-SCSI-kernels. :(

The kernels bf24 and compact recognize both my Adaptec 2940 U2W SCSI-controller
correctly and also see (among a Scanner, a ZIP-100 and a CD-Writer) my Toshiba
DVD-CD-Rom drive.

What to do? What information do you need further to catch this error?
[BTW: It seems impossible to get access to a partition on an IDE-disk
like /dev/hda22 in the woody installation menu for swap or / -mount access.]

Achim Flammenkamp    Forschungsschwerp. Mathematisierung   Universität Bielefeld
UniversitätsstraBe 25        33501 Bielefeld         Federal Republic of Germany
POB 100131        http://www.uni-bielefeld.de/~achim/     achim@uni-bielefeld.de
(+49)(0)521-106-3841           UTC+2=MEST            < Game of Life and Go Fan >

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