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[Still is] Re: Full-screen editor in /bin

On 31 Jul 2002 marshal@h9.dion.ne.jp wrote:

> This is getting into a emacs vs vi flame-fest, so it's time to start
> the BBQ.  ^_^

Well, I was a little afraid of that when I asked the question.  But I
disagree with your characterization of what has seemed to me to be a
rather civilized exchange.

> Actually, I think it all boils down to muscle memory.  I say very few
> things in computers are "intuitive".  "Intuitivity" in computer-human
> interface hasn't gotten very far (or is a whole load of crock,
> depending on how you look at it.)  People use things that they are
> used to.  Once the learning curve is over, they just stick to it.

Perhaps - but I have a lousy short-term memory and nano/pico have the most
often used commands sitting there at the bottom of the screen.  And a
blank page in an editor strikes me as "intuitively" expecting one to enter
text.  I really have no idea what to do with a text editor which starts
out with _content_ in its opening page.


> Anyways, lets [sic] take this off the list, and keep the signal to
> noise ratio up, and keep some people with low bandwidth happy.

Oh, you mean now that _you've_ thrown your fuel into the fire, the rest of
us should be quiet?  (Sorry, but it's a peeve of mine how often "firemen"
purport to be firemen.)

With all respect to your desire to douse a flamewar, this has been a very
useful exchange to me.


Patrick Wiseman
Linux user #17943

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