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Re: OT: Flamebait: Text vs HTML email

<quote who="Ron Johnson">

>> i don't know about others, but 7 years of irc has royally screwed my
>> spelling, punctuation, and grammer i'm sure. lol
>> i haven't used a spell or grammer checker in probably 5 years. at the
>> same time i have not written really anything formal since
>> i dropped outta college about 8 years ago(glad i did too, lotta
>> people out there with masters and bachelor degrees who haven't
>> been able to find jobs meanwhile i was out getting work experience :) )
> This is sarcasm, right?  Right?????

i was not being sarcastic no :) i went to college for a couple
years and didn't like the lack of direction so i got a job, a
couple years later i quit and got a job at another place then
that place went under and i got a job at another place(still there),
most of my college and part of high school was learning linux
and networking ..very little studying....!

it worked out well maybe i'm just lucky. i have a good skill
set which is continually evolving(my knowledge probably doubles
or triples each year), and a good paycheck. my knowledge and
experience are very focused but I appear to be more valuable
then my bosses(they got laid off), and co workers twice my
age ..

maybe someday i'll learn how to change a car tire :)(thats
not sarcasm either)


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