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Issues with kernel 2.4, BitchX, and DCC chat on Woody

I am not sure if anyone can help me with this, but here is my situation.


I have been using Debian 3.0 for a week now, with kernel 2.2, and decided I wanted to upgrade to 2.4 kernel and Ext3 fs.


Anyhow, I use BitchX for IRC, and have requirements to use DCC chat in it.  I have a hardware router that serves up internet to my lan, and my Debian box sits in the DMZ.


In the past I had no issues using DCC Chat with 2.2 kernel, but I did notice that on my RH 7 box I had issues... it simply doesn't respond.  I figured it was just a RH thing, so I ignored it.


After upgrading my kernel to 2.4.18 now, I noticed that now DCC Chat does the exact same thing that RH7 did ... Had to be the 2.4 kernel...


I tried another box with an 2.2 kernel again, and it works fine.


So.... has anyone else experienced this?  Am I barking up the wrong tree here?  I am new to this list, but the debian community has always been helpful before.  






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