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Re: Pinning unstable

On Tue, 2002-07-23 at 10:10, Keith O'Connell wrote:
> Hi,
> I find that I have a need for some packages from unstable. I want to remain a far as possible with Woody and have been told that "package-pinning is the solution I am looking for. 
> I have just read the apt manual and the man page for sources.list, but there is no reference to pinning or isolating packages for tracking and this was where I expected to find it. 
> I am capable of doing this from the written instruction, but it would seem that I am not capable of finding those instructions!
> Could I please be told which docs I need to read to enable me to learn this fresh skill. 
What seems to work well for me is: I got woody in my apt-get source file and 
the link to sid is there too but with a # in front of it, if I need anything 
from sid I remove the # make a apt-get with the -s flag, if all is OK then i 
install it and put the # back into the file.
I don't know if this is THE right way but it works here...:-)


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