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Re: tar options

>>>>> "Adrian" == Adrian 'Dagurashibanipal' von Bidder <avbidder@fortytwo.ch> writes:

    Adrian> Yo!  Just saw the tar manpage.

    Adrian> Could somebody enlighten me about the --preserve option? The
    Adrian> manpage says, --preserve == -p -s == --same-permission
    Adrian> --same-order, which imho makes little sense. Shouldn't it be
    Adrian> --same-permissions --same-owner?  texinfo is at least not at
    Adrian> odds with this, so it seems it is not a bug.  But I can't see a
    Adrian> reason for this.

Same owner is implied by same-permission.  The --preserve makes sure that ls
-f will display the same thing after un-taring the created tar file.  I
don't quite know what application needs that ordering information, though.

    Adrian> And: is there any extended tar version with a
    Adrian> --handle-hard-links option? Or does tar by default handle hard
    Adrian> links efficiently?

Why not just try it?

cronfeel-kkto 119 ~>mkdir test
cronfeel-kkto 120 ~>echo abc > test/f1
cronfeel-kkto 121 ~>ln test/f1 test/f2
cronfeel-kkto 122 ~>tar czvf test.tgz test
cronfeel-kkto 123 ~>tar tzvf test.tgz 
drwxrwxr-x kkto/kkto         0 2002-07-23 21:29:16 test/
-rw-rw-r-- kkto/kkto         4 2002-07-23 21:29:10 test/f1
-rw-rw-r-- kkto/kkto         0 2002-07-23 21:29:10 test/f2 link to test/f1

As you see, it does not dump the content of the hard link, but instead dump
the fact that it is linked.


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