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Re: OT: Is make still in ??

> Just getting back in to C++ coding after the last few years on java. 
> Want to know if make is still the made build tool for C/C++/open source
> efforts or has something else come along since ?? (I always hated make -
> those of you who know ant, be glad !)

Yes, make is still in.  Although there are a few people who disagree
and are proponents for alternatives such as cook.  I would stick with
make.  YMMV.

However, most free software projects don't use make directly.  Most
use autoconf + automake.  Those two tools together are the driving
force behind most software projects today.  Grab the source for almost
any package and you will have a working example using those tools,
although I might suggest something smaller.  Most mature packages are
using many features that make it hard to learn.  You have to know too
much at once.

Start here.  There is a browsable online version.  You might also want
to purchase the paper version.



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