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Re: Disabling inet services on other IPs

* Mike Mimic (ppagee@yahoo.com) [020722 16:36]:
> Hi!
> I have a interface with two IPs. How can I disable
> that my inet services (exim & pop3d) listen

depends on what you're running and how you're running them. plain old
inetd can't bind to a particular interface, but xinetd can.

exim can be set to listen on a particular interface; see the
local_interfaces configuration directive.

As for your pop3d; that depends on which pop3d you're talking about.

> on other IP, too. I would like only that they listen
> on first IP.

Of course, you could use a packet filter to block incoming requests on
all but the desired interface to achieve the same result. This has the
added advantage of working for any and all programs, including
inetd-started ones, and, if designed correctly, your packet filter can
help serve as a safety net when setting up new services as well.

good times,
"Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice.
Moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue."  -- Barry Goldwater 

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