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getting netfilter working?

I'm trying to use a VPN product with debian woody.
It requires that 'netfilter' be installed, because it uses

Is there a way I can install netfilter, but still keep using one of the
packaged debian kernel images?

In trying to switch between the various
  apt-get install kernel-image-2.4.18-xyz
images, somehow my modconf has gotten messed up.
It doesnt show any category of modules any more

I'm thinking that maybe it would be a modconf option, but now I'm stuck.
Can someone help me get Unstuck, please?

(and FWIW, the kernel-headers-2.4.18-386 package does not
  match with the image package. The quasi-binary/source does a compare for
  the UTS_RELEASE #define,  with something it looks for in the kernel,
  and says that 2.4.18-386 does not match 2.4.18, and quits.


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