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Re: 120GB Hard Disk, Debian and Partition Suggestions

had a similar pb and didn't use parted (look at the doc of it )
IMHO NEVER replace 2 HD's by 1 !
A HD hnadles only 4 prim partitions or 3 + 1 extended.
2 HD's handles 8 prim part or 6 prim and 2 extended.
So, what's the pb exactly ?

I wanted to replace the 40GB because it's defective. It started to make cat scratch like noises, then the fsck errors. This happens to be the series of IBM drives that are notorious for failures thus included in the class action suit against IBM . The drive I purchased is the Wester Digital 120GB 8MB Cache edition. This drive, according to reviews, is very zippy. I really don't want to spend anymore cash on a second HD.

Nick lidakis

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