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Re: *** RECOVERED EMAIL ***: Re: more Have Netgear FA310TX eth0 card/trying to set apt source

> I did receive this email. Not sure what "recovered email" indicates. My card
> is not recognized at all by the system. lsmod shows tulip loaded but 0
> devices using it. Remember, this box worked fine as a SQL server under Win2K
> server, so it's not a basic hardware/router issue. It's a tulip/Debian
> issue.

Yeah, it sounds like you're getting zapped the same way I did when I brought 
home my new computer (about 3 months ago).

> I tried a reinstall to attempt to force the newer tulip driver from the
> floppy that came with the NIC to load. No luck. Apparently the directories
> on the floppy weren't structured properly to use during an install. I am
> leaving town for a couple of weeks so I have to put this on hold but I am
> going to try to replace the tulip driver currently installed with the tulip
> driver on the floppy. That ought to be an "educational" experience!
> I don't know how to build a kernel without using the installer so that's not
> an option yet. I thought I'd master a few more basics first like how to get
> the @$%$#^ thing to print. Being able to find my ethernet "local" HP 4MV
> from one of my working installs would be a good start.

To be honest, I think you'd have a much easier time of it if you just rebuilt 
the whole kernel.  For one thing, the kernels that come from Debian have 
module-versioning turned on, so rebuilding a single module is a bit tricky 
(though I've heard it can be done).  By rebuilding the whole kernel, you know 
exactly what is going into your kernel.  You even have a running start on 
which options to include if you use the /boot/config-<kernel version> files as 
a basis (read up on "make oldconfig") when you rebuild the kernel.  If you've 
never built a kernel before, now's a good time to start.  It's really not that 
scary or hard.  Just make sure you keep your old kernel image so that you can 
at least boot your machine. :)

> Sorry for the frustration. I just hate spending so much time to acheive
> basic functionality. I have so many other demands on those hours! Maybe
> that's why more women don't use Debian.

If I could get my wife to check her email on any kind of consistent basis, I'd 
be happy. ;)

Don't sweat it.  Let us know if you need more help.

Stephen W. Juranich                             sjuranic@ee.washington.edu
Electrical Engineering             http://students.washington.edu/sjuranic
University of Washington                http://ssli.ee.washington.edu/ssli

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