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Re: backup using rsync

hi ya

> What's the best way to backup using rsync?  The idea I'm going for here
> is to back up my /home and /etc to another machine, only dealing with
> one machine dedicated to doing backup work, no tape drive.  Basically,
> looking for glorified mirroring.  Permissions and ownership needs to be
> preserved.
> - -- 
> Baloo

mirror# rsync -avz  main::/home /RemoteBackupofMain/home
mirror# rsync -avz  main::/etc /RemoteBackupofMain/etc

/RemoteBackupofMain is sitting somewhere on the machined called "mirror"

add --delete if you want files that was deleted in main to also be 
deleted on the mirror

run the above two commands from (root's) cron however often you want it 
to copy  main:/home to the mirror

c ya

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