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Re: adsl in Brazil

On Sun, Jul 14, 2002 at 10:24:12AM -0300, Klaus Imgrund wrote:
> i got an adsl connection with Telecom Brasil.The trouble there is that
> if the connection drops it doesn't get reestablished ok.
> I got a greatspeed router that is supplied by the ISP.That connects to
> eth0 and establishes the connection with the ISP.Problem is that there
> is some homemade software from the ISP in the router; 

That's what Telefonica told everybody too... But they wouldn't invest in
the development of a new protocol or evena new software client. They just
got some commercial pppoe client, customized it, and called it "their own
new protocol".
And I use Roaring-Penguin with them without problems at all.

> the only thing i
> can setup is my password.
> And they wont tell anybody how that thing works either.
> When the connection drops and is reestablished it always gets it wrong;
> the packets arrive in the wrong order.
> The answers to a ping to the router come back like:
> seq0-5 is ok at about 0.8 ms
> seq11-16     at about 12 sec.
> seq6-10      at about 0.8 ms

You may try setting up Windows temporarily so they won't be able to use
the "Linux isn't compatible" argument...

> I did go google.Did try several dhcp-clients and also without a
> client.No change at all.

Just wondering... Did you try setting up pppoe without dhcp at all? It's
what I use here (Telefonica in the state of São Paulo) - pppoe, with the
persist option to ppp.



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