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Re: Linux compilation--unresolved symbol

#include <hallo.h>
Sridhar Gurivireddy wrote on Tue Jul 16, 2002 um 03:34:40PM:
> Hi.
> When I did an insmod,
> I got "unresolved symbol printk_RSMP_....,

Soo many modules... So many reasons... This may appear from modules that
have been built for a SMP-enabled kernel, while the newer kernel does
not have SMP. Don't forget that you should run make clean when changing
the config. In the case of smp, I would even suggest to save the config
somewhere else and call "make distclean".

<Zomb> kennt jemand eine DAU-freundliche Möglichkeit, die Uhrzeit einzustellen?
<roots-> zomb: date --set
<Zomb> roots-: muss ich da auf diese DOS-Ebene? Igit, da muss man ja tippen...
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