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RE: debian-user-digest Digest V2002 #531

Yeah, right here.

Getting double of everything; is there anyway to get around this?

Thanks in advanced!

...In Accordance With The Prophecy.

Happy Hacking, Bright Blessings and Gentle Breezes!

-*/ -=  )O(  Jay  )O(  =- /*-

~-----Original Message-----
~From: Jonathan M. Prigot [mailto:prigot@attglobal.net]
~Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2002 11:59 AM
~To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
~Subject: Re: debian-user-digest Digest V2002 #531
~I seem to be getting multiple copies of Digest #531. Is anyone else
~suffering this problem?

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