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Re: error message from CVS

On Sun, 2002-07-14 at 22:38, Paul E Condon wrote:
> I'm attempting to learn CVS to use in keeping track of my own work.
> I had it working about a month ago. I went off to do other work, and just
> got back to using it today. Now I get the following:
> pecondon@big:~/co/s2$ cvs commit
> cvs commit: Examining .
> cvs: hash.c:312: findnode: Assertion `key != ((void *)0)' failed.
> cvs [commit aborted]: received abort signal

I can only recommend upgrading CVS, checking you CVSROOT for any
corruptions etc. It might be a bug I suppose. Also, it might be better
to try one of the CVS mailinglists which can be found at



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