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Re: galeon gconf schema error


>>>>> "Taegil" == Taegil Noh <nayas@nlps4.knu.ac.kr> writes:

    Taegil> After an dselect-upgrade, it seems that something with
    Taegil> gconf/galeon went wrong.

    Taegil> A clean start of Galeon (first use, ) it seems that galeon
    Taegil> searches for default gconf schema. At this stage, galeon
    Taegil> fails with error

    Taegil> "cannot find a schema for galeon preferences. Check your
    Taegil> gconf setup, look at galeon FAQ for more info"

I had the same problem, it turned out that gconf refused to use the
directories "~/.gconf" and "~/.gconfd" when they were located on an
NFS mounted disk.  When I created these directories on a local disk
and made links from my home directory everything works great!


Alexis Kotte

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