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Re: apache on sid, doesn't work without http:// ?

<quote who="Mike Egglestone">
> Hi all,
> I have my apache setup and working.
> When I access the web server from my private lan via
> http://www.mydomain.com  everything is OK.
> but when I access via
> www.mydomain.com
> My browser can't find the host name.
> Is this an apache issue or perhaps a dns thing?
> Thanks for your help!

usually this is a browser issue. is the name actually
www.something.EXT ? (does it start with www or something else?)

if you have a hostname that matches that of a protocol, like
ftp, most browsers i have seen automatically try to switch to
that protocol unless you specifically tell it to go to the
site via another protocol. i have a server named gopher.mydomain.com
at my company(of course their domain is not mydomain.com) and
browsers switch to the gopher protocol, for that specific server
i have to type in http://gopher.mydomain.com or https://gopher.mydomain.com

most likely it is not a DNS issue as if you specify http:// it
works, that means host resolution should be fine, most likely the
browser is just confused and is trying to use the wrong protocol, by
connecting to the wrong port. apache should have nothing to do
with this.

to be sure, you can always telnet to your server on port 80 and
issue a GET / request, which should spit out a bunch of stuff and
disconnect you, that can help in determining if the webserver is
responding from remote.


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