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Re: true transparency?

On Mon, Jul 15, 2002 at 02:59:50PM -0500, Ron Johnson wrote:
| On Mon, 2002-07-15 at 14:39, Erik Mathisen wrote:
| > Yes it is.  Eterm has this, and I know that konsole in KDE does as
| > well.  I am sure there are others too.
| The GNOME Terminal does it also.

I don't know about the other terms, but gnome-terminal's
"transparency" is really amusing.  As Colin and some others mentioned,
it merely copies the background.  *However*, g-t copies the _gnome_
background, not what is in the root window.

Try it out for yourself :
    1)  specify some background using gnomecc
    2)  run 'xearth' or some other program to paint over the root window
    3)  run gnome-terminal with transparency enabled

You will now see, inside gnome-terminal, the _gnome_ specified
background, rather than the background that is actually visible.


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