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Re: true transparency?

Erik Mathisen wrote:

> Yes it is.  Eterm has this, and I know that konsole in KDE does as
> well.  I am sure there are others too.

As I understand it, eterm, aterm, konsole, gnome-terminal, and other
*ix-based "transparent" X terminals all fake transparency by copying the
root window's background (possibly shading it or adding other effects).
The net result is that each window has the root window's background,
making it seem that you're seeing "through" the window to the root
window below. However, if you overlap two windows, you can't see the
lower window through the upper one, which is what MacOS X does. So the
correct answer to the original question is "No, nothing on Linux does

It is also worth noting that MacOS X has received a lot of criticism for
this feature, because menus and dialogs can become quite hard to read
when they are transparent, especially if the windows underneath them
contain text.


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