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Re: flash in galeon?

On Sun, 2002-07-14 at 00:19, Stephen Turner wrote:
> i dl the flash package that galeon prompted me to however the instructions
> on the flash site tells how to do it under netscape, is there a doc or
> something so i can do it under galeon? guess i just need to know the
> directories to unload it at
As I recall, its pretty much the same as for netscape, but substituting
the word 'netscape' in the path for 'galeon'. Just poke around in
Actually, on second thought, it may be enough to just copy it to the
mozilla plugin directory (which on this box is
/usr/lib/mozilla-1.0.0/plugin, however this is a redhat box).
Well, the long and short of it is that the files need to be put in the
galeon plugin directory, which could one of the two listed above.

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