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Re: two CST timezones

>>>>> "A" == Andrew Lee <andrew@linux.org.tw> writes:

A> On Thu, 11 Jul 2002, Andrew Lee wrote:
>> On 10 Jul 2002, Dan Jacobson wrote:
>> > How can I just make my machine call my timezone "+0800"?
>> date -R

A> If you would like to use the same format, you can use
A> $ date +"%a %b %d %T %z %Y"
A> Thu Jul 11 03:18:55 +0800 2002

I told you 13 times that I'm trying to make every single date on my
machine never say "CST" again, not just in some shell script that I am
writing.  And I wish to achieve this thru one command. 

Wait, ever since I reluctantly used "GMT-8" in tzconfig,
has made the bottom of my web pages say "+0800" instead of "CST".
So even though plain
$ date
says GMT-8 (Oh great, sounds like a winter day in California), some
things are improving for me.
http://jidanni.org/ Taiwan(04)25854780

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