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Re: NFS permission denied / nfsd daemon not running

Problem solved,  I purged the nfs packages then re-installed them, I guess it
was to do with the configuration at installation time when the original 2.2
kernel was installed (or maybe not but it's all I can come up with). 
Anyway, might help someone else in same position.


 --- Wayne Brown <waynebrown01@yahoo.com> wrote: > Hi,
> Could anyone help with the following problem, I am trying to get NFS working
> between two Debian Woody box's (kernel 2.4.16 compiled by yours truly).
> When I try and mount the shared directory  with the command:
> 'mount -t nfs sentry:/home/wayne /home/nfs/wayne' I get 'unable to mount...
> server says permission denied'
> I think one problem is on the server called 'sentry', I cannot get the nfsd
> daemon to run. If I start it with '/usr/sbin/rpc.nfsd' no errors messages
> appear yet 'rpcinfo -p' shows no entries for nfsd.  Interestingly as an
> experiment I started the 'nfsd' server on the host called 'rocky' fine and
> both
> have the same packages installed, that is the kernel version of nfsd and not
> the user space ones.
> I had to start 'mountd' manually too but that works fine. I have 'nfs' as a
> module and had to 'modprobe nfs' to load it.
> Other steps I have taken so far:
> both machines in hosts.allow file an entry
> in hosts.deny:
>    ALL: ALL
> on server 'sentry' /etc/exports file
>    /home/wayne     Rocky(rw)
> on client 'Rocky' created mount point /home/nfs/wayne and chowned to
> 'wayne.wayne'
> both machines have lookups in /etc/hosts for name resolution
> I have an entry in my firewall to allow all connections from the local domain
> and have tried disabling it too.
> Any help greatly appreciated.
> Wayne.
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