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Re: HTML Editor

Alex Malinovich wrote:
Ivo Wever wrote:

I'd suggest looking at html-helper-mode (note the helper in there). It's
quite a bit more robust than the default html-mode, and supports much
more than just vanilla HTML. (JavaScript, the evil ASP, etc) Do a search
on google to find the most recent version. If I remember correctly there
used to be an old quick reference chart for it on the home page. If not,
you can make one easily enough in Gnumeric. (Or even Emacs for that

Ah, I now realise why I didn't find refs: I thought I would find them in the vincinity of emacs refs and I searched in all the wrong places. Thanks for the pointer to html-helper-mode; I'll first try the 'standard' html-mode though. For those interested, I found stuff here:
(and a zillion other places, had I just entered the *right* keywords; whoever said Googling was easy? ;))

Ivo Wever

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