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Re: PCMCIA network card with woody install

On Mon, Jul 08, 2002 at 07:12:43PM -0700, Shawn Dunn wrote:
> Hey there all, I have an old Panasonic Toughbook here (P133, 16MB RAM),
> and a linksys PCMCIA 10bT card, which is listed in /etc/pcmcia/network
> and uses the pcnet_cs driver, the card works great in Win98, and I'd
> LIKE to do a network install of woody on this machine, as it has no
> CD-ROM access, and I'd rather not do it over a modem.........   I have
> NO experience with PCMCIA, and via lsmod I see the driver module is
> installed, but ifconfig isn't showing anything for eth0, is there
> something I'm missing????

Since I don't know the model number of your card, I'll refer to my own
Linksys card for the physical details. (If you post again, please state
the model number, and set your line wrap to 72)

With the card in your system and physically connected to the network,
which lights on the cable are on or flickering? What messages are shown
on the console when you insert and remove the card? What beeps do you
get (pitch and number upon insertion of card)? Have you configured
/etc/pcmcia/network.opts && /etc/network/interfaces? Checked Linksys'
website for help?


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