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Re: Laptop mounting nfs


> > I would like some advice on what is more an inconvenience than a
> > problem. I have a laptop which is effectively permanently on my desk
> > and part of a small lan. It has four remote directories mounted via
> > nfs, including /home. The inconvenience is that on the occasions
> > it is rebooted, the checking/loading of portmapper is done before
> > pcmcia driver is loaded and consequently instead of being able to
> > mount the remote directories via fstab, I have to log in as root run
> > "mount -av", log out, then login as a user. This can't be an unusual
> > problem. What's the "correct" way to address this so it loads like a
> > desktop. Don't assume to much in depth knowledge on my part. send me
> > off to read if thats the answer!

> Read /usr/share/doc/pcmcia-cs/FAQ.gz:

> Remote filesystems that are mounted through a PCMCIA network
> connection should be mounted by the /etc/pcmcia/network script
> Therefore, these filesystems should be listed in
> the /etc/pcmcia/network.opts file.

OK. This is clearly where my solution lies, although I am too dense to see it clearly yet. I read the FAQ refereed to above so I see why putting the nfs mounts in the fstab for a laptop is generally a bad idea. My problem now is how to enter the nfs mount information into network.opts. I have "googled" busily in an attempt to solve this, but cant. As I understand it I have to list the nfs mounts normally in the fstab, but use the "noauto" option, then I list the nfs mount points in the MOUNT variable in network.opts with a space in between. I have done this, rebooted, and they still do not mount.

as an example of what I have done, in /etc/fstab I have;

    frodo:/home		/home		nfs	rw,noauto	0  0
    frodo:/mnt/store	/mnt/store	nfs	rw,noauto	0  0

and in the /etc/pcmcia/network.opts I have;

    MOUNTS /home /mnt/store

Have I; a) misunderstood completely
	b) used a flawed syntax
	c) overlooked a key stage

  Keith O'Connell.
  Maidstone, Kent. (UK)

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