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Re: Can't connect to Internet

On Sunday 07 July 2002 04:07 pm, Peter Snoblin wrote:
> Well, I'd say you're getting a network unreachable error because there
> is nothing at the ip Try pinging something like
> debian.org instead. If that doesn't work I don't really know enough
> about PPP to help, sorry.
> And, please, watch the language.

i'd say that he is decidedly watching the language. if such courteous 
self-editing still offends you, maybe you need to reconsider your 
> > I used pppconfig to enter the info and create the files. Then I type
> > 'pon' and there are no error messages. Then I try to ping
> > (I don't konw how else to test the connection) and it says something like
> > the "network is unreachable".
> >

i'm assuming that you're working with a dialup situation. you might want to 
try using wvdial to ensure that the hardware is doing its job. first 
configure /etc/wvdial.conf, then run wvdial. below is an example that works 
in my case (with cogent personal system info *'ed out).

Modem = /dev/ttyS1
Baud = 57600
Init = ATZ
Init2 = AT S11=50
Phone = *******
Username = **********
Password = ***********
Dial Command = ATDP

your /etc/network/interfaces should look something like this:

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

you may need to adjust the /dev/ttyS# in /etc/wvdial.conf to your system, and 
you may need to run wvdial as root. if this, salted and peppered to your 
taste, doesn't work, then you need to look at the possibility that you might 
have some kind of hardware failure.

btw, 'ping localhost' is all you need to run to ensure that networking is 
functional. for any addresses outside your box, look to see that you have 
/etc/resolv.conf properly configured, following a syntax of 

search <isp domain name>
nameserver <isp nameserver>

in your case, it should read:
search softhome.net

if none of this helps, get back to us. above all else, don't be discouraged 
by the language nazis. frustration is frustration, everyone knows it and 
understands it. your self edit in the original post shows as much discretion 
as any reader of this list should need.


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