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network interface snapshotting program?

I find that when I'm in a fluid ad-hoc networking environment (eg; at a
conference where the network is evolving as the conference progresses),
configuring my laptop's networking with /etc/pcmcia/network.opts or
whatever isn't the best way to operate. Instead I hurredly get the
network set up with ifconfig, iwconfig, dhclient, and possibly ipchains,
and then, rushed for time, I can't afford to go back and look at exactly
what I did and encode it into the networking file and test that and
iterate. Anyway, it might change again the next day. So I'm looking for
a way to snapshot the current state of the network interface and related
things (wireless networking settings and dns and dhcp being three
biggies), and be able to restore any previous snapshotted state
relatively easily. Ideally it could just add states to the
/etc/pcmcia/*.config files, and or /etc/network/interfaces.

Is there any existing program that might serve?

see shy jo, at DebConf

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