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Re: moves dot files to different directory

On Fri, 28 Jun 2002 12:23:44 -0500, Derrick 'dman' Hudson wrote:

>On Fri, Jun 28, 2002 at 11:21:18AM -0500, Henning, Brian wrote:
>| hello all-
>| I have the task of moving all my hidden files to another directory. how can
>| i select only these files and not the standard files.
>| ls .* doesn't seem to work.
>It does (but without "-a" you won't see them), but it includes '.' and
>'..' also :-) (you don't want to 'cp -r' those).
>ls -ad ~/.[^.]*
>(use -d to not get a recursive listing of all the directories)
Thanks, dman.  I'd never have thought of that.  That took me to man ls
where I found -A.  Even a blind pig can find an acorn now and then. :)

Excuse me if my comments only duplicate others', my ISP, bless their
numb-nut brains, is up to 30 hours delay in delivering the mail.  Oddly
enough, I don't have the original post in this thread yet. :(

To ignore . and .., use -A (almost all).  I also figured that
directories weren't needed, so grepped for regular files.  Then used sed
to print only the 9th word.

ls -Ald ~/.??* | grep '^-' | sed 's/^\([^ ]*[ ]*\)\{8,8\}\([^ ]*\)/\2/'

I'm sure anyone with a clue will improve on this regexp (maybe use \< \>
for words?). I copied/modified this from a "RUTE" example.

Or, script the whole thing with awk.  

for i in $(ls -Ald ~/.[^.]* | grep '^-' | awk '{print $9}');
                echo $i   #test first                

It is interesting to note that as one evil empire (generic) fell,
another Evil Empire (tm)  began its nefarious rise. -- gt
Coincidence?  I think not.

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