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Re: Netscape vs Mozilla irritation

Helgi Örn wrote:
> Hi!
> I've seen this before on the list; people having problems
> starting old Netscape 4.* because Mozilla pops up
> instead. For us who have bank services that only accept
> the browsers MSIE and Netscape 4.* it is vital to have a
> functioning Netscape 4.*. Not being able to start it from
> a menu or with the commands netscape or communicator at a
> prompt can be very frustrating and irritating for someone
> who doesn't know of any other alternatives to start the
> program, finding the Netscape Communicator original bin
> file isn't easy in Debian. I use Mozilla a lot but I can
> live without it, Netscape 4.* I cannot live without as
> long as I use Linux and have a bank that doesn't accept
> any other browser. To me it is complete stupidity to let
> Mozilla take over the terms netscape and communicator as
> startup commands, why don't the Mozilla programmers
> change this? Or is this a Debian only problem?
> Cheers, Helgi Örn
Is Mozilla running when you try to start Netscape? I
remember having this problem as well when I tried to run
Netscape. I had to shut down Mozilla, purge any instances
and then start Netscape... I think it is because of the
similarity of the two applications that this happens.

David P. James
Ottawa, Ontario

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-Dr. Leonard McCoy, Star Trek IV

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