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Re: mutt and maildir(?)

On Tue, Jun 25, 2002 at 04:48:30PM +0930, Tom Cook wrote:

| I'm trying something New and Different with my mail configuration.
| Until fairly recently I have used mutt to access an IMAP server.  Now
| I have decided I want procmail, so I am using fetchmail to get the
| mail, which forwards it to exim, which pipes it through procmail,
| which dumps each message in a separate file in a directory named like:
| $HOME/Mail/<folder_name>/msg.3F7
| I gather that this is called a 'maildir' mailbox.

A maildir folder looks like this :

                            /<lots of uniquely named files>
                            /<lots of uniquely named files>

| I can't get mutt to look at it, though.

mutt will automatically recognize a maildir folder.

| The closest I could find to a tip about this is
| that MH mail directories need a .mh_sequences file.  Do I just need to
| create this file (empty) and then everything will work?

Could be, but then you'll be using MH instead of maildir.  I don't
know anything about MH.



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turning a man from the snares of death.
        Proverbs 13:14

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