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Re: Strange mail behaviour

On Mon, 24 Jun 2002, andrej hocevar wrote:

> sendmail -f "foo@bar.foobar" -F foo root gives:

Hi, you are using sendmail with the -f option and root is allowed to
send mail with another sender name without any X-Authority warnings ...
the -F option specifies the full name ... and if you are wondering about
the  To: undisclosed-recipients (it is set because of "action to take if
there are no recipients in the message O NoRecipientAction=add-to-undisclosed"
in your sendmail.cf file) you should also wonder about a missing
Subject line, so try simply this:

sendmail -f foobar@foonar.com -F foo root
To: root
Subject: test


... don't touch the bang-bang fruit

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