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Question: Sound recording from radio station

Hi there,

after a long abstinence from debian-user (studies), I'm back with a
couple of questions.

Scenario: Yesterday, my local radio station aired a live concert, which
I wanted to record using my TV card.  I wasn't home at that time, so I
just started sound-recorder, when I left, and with 4.4G available on my
drive, I thought, that I was all set.

Unfortunately, when I came home I found sound-recorder had exited in the
middle of the recording with an "File limit exceeded" error message.  I
looked at the file and it was only 2G big.  Stupid 32bit file size
limitation, I thought.

Unfortunately, sound-recorder failed to write header information when it
exited, so audacity only read garbage (Null bytes).  XMMS also would not
play the file.  I was able to play it with bplay, and to open it using
ecawave, but somewhere in the process, I lost the entire file.  Damnit.

So, in order to avoid this in the future, what's the best way to record
WAV files in Linux that are possibly much longer then three hours (=2.1G

I thougth, that ext3 didn't have the 2G file size limit anymore, but
maybe I'm still stuck with 32bit, because of the x86 architecture.
Also, this file was recorded on NFS (v3), because of my home setup.

1) Would it do any difference to record on a local ext3 partition,
bypassing NFS?

2) How about recording with rawrec to a local raw partition
	$ rawrec > /dev/hda6

   and then using sox and wavsplit to convert and split the raw audio
   data into handable wav files?  sox can read from stdin and write to
   stdout, but wavsplit doesn't seem to support that.  Any other way to
   split wavs?

Did anybody try that and can give some hints?  Pointers to HOWTOs would
be suggested, also.

Viktor Rosenfeld
WWW: http://www.informatik.hu-berlin.de/~rosenfel/

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