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XFree 4.2 server DIY (chrooted env)


I recently bought a MSI MS-6368 mainboard, and although Xfree 4.1 does
support the Trident Microsystems CyberBlade/i1, it is somewhat flaky
(see below). So, I wanted to try out Xfree 4.2.

I did not want to install XFree 4.2 the way XFree suggests
(mv /usr/X11R6 backup; install new in /usr/X11R6), as I was
afraid Debian wouldn't like it (Debian also installs it stuff in /usr/X11R6,
so things may brake).

So, I decided to try to install XFree 4.2 in a little chroot-ed environment,
where the installation will not harm my (new!) debian system.
I wanted to _only_ install the server part of XFree 4.2, all the
client binaries I'll use from my Debian system (they work fine, anyway).
So, I want the XFree 4.2 server to contact my Debian 4.1 XDM daemon.

As there seem to be some people who want Debian to have 4.2, I decided
to post to the list what I did (as at least one step wasn't fully obvious),
I decided to post what I did to the list.

Well, in words:

1 Get Xxserv.tgz, Xmod.tgz, Xlib.tgz (the latter only needed if you want
  anything other than a black/white system) from 
  (depending on your system etc)

2 create a directory, with copies of your /etc, /dev, /bin, /lib
  root-directories (simlinks won't do, I'm sure you can leave out
  most of the files in the dirs, but I didn't want to find out what).

3 create usr/X11R6, and unpack the X*.tgz files in here, downloaded in
  step 1
  make a symlink usr/bin/X111 -> /usr/X11R6/bin

4 **
  create tmp (mkdir tmp; chmod a+rwx tmp; chmod o+t tmp)
  and in your ROOT dir, do
  mv /tmp /tmp-old
  ln -s $YOUR_XFREE_CHROOT_DIR/tmp /tmp

5 On the main system, startup xfs (apt-get install xfs, remove
  the `no-listen = tcp' line in /etc/X11/fs/config),
  and install xdm and activate it 
  (easiest way is to add a "*" line in /etc/X11/xdm/Xaccess),
  and maybe remove those pesky `no tcp' lines from xdm too.

  X -query

Or, for those who understand sh better (step 5 above you still need to do)


set -e
set -x
cd /home/joostje/rommel

rm -rf Xtest
mkdir Xtest
cd Xtest

mkdir -p usr/X11R6
mkdir usr/bin
ln -s /usr/X11R6/bin usr/bin/X11
mkdir -p var/log

for f in dev bin lib etc; do
  echo Copying $f
  cp -a /$f . || true

mkdir tmp
chmod a+rwx tmp
chmod o+t tmp

for f in Xxserv.tgz Xmod.tgz Xlib.tgz; do
  echo unpacking $f
  #cp ../Xfree4.2.0/$f .
  wget ftp://ftp.xfree86.org/pub/XFree86/4.2.0/binaries/Linux-ix86-glibc22/$f
  zcat $f | (cd usr/X11R6; tar -xf -)

#Here, I copy a modified XF86Config file:
#cp /home/joostje/rommel/Xfree4.2.0/etc/X11/XF86Config-4 etc/X11

mv /tmp /tmp-tmp
ln -s `pwd`/tmp /tmp

(and now, `chroot Xtest`, and `X -query`)


Anyway, more on why I needed Xfree4.2 for my  MSI MS-6368 
Trident Microsystems CyberBlade/i1:

- I couldn't go back to VC mode with 4.1. Whenever I pressed
  Alt_Cntr F1, the screen would go into power-save mode,
  and X wouldn't revive from it (well, I could go back to VC1,
  and restart X from there, but my old X session died).

- Every now and then, the mouse pointer would be drawn about 50
  pixels to the right of where the click-action would be. Very
  annoying, and even restarting X wouldn't work. I had to actually
  reboot the computer to get rid of it.

- XFree 4.1 didn't like lines like
       Option          "SWCursor" "true"
       Option          "NoAccel" "true"
  in the "DEVICE" Secion in XF86Config-4. Whenever I met one of them,
  X wouldn't start, screen would go into power-save mode.

  XFree 4.2 did like those lines, and, using the "SWCursor" option,
  my mouse-action now is where the mouse pointer actually
  shows. Very convenient!

Also, it seems XFree 4.2 likes higher video resolutions. I don't know
why, but it automatically elected a much higer resolution, from
an identical XF86Config-4 file.

Hoping to be of some use to someone out there, and hoping
not to start a flame-ware (it's about xfree 4.2 after all),


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