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Re: Interesting question on nfs permissions

> The reason is, obviously, that cdrecord is setuid root, and so the
> attempt to open the iso file on the nfs share appeared to come from
> root, and with root_squash on the nfs export, it couldn't get at the
> file.
> Any thoughts or suggestions?

How about this?  Use standard input for cdrecord.  One of the examples
in the CD-Writing-HOWTO show cdrecord taking the input from a pipe
from mkisofs for a combined mkisofs/cdrecord solution.  But it tells
me that cdrecord will read from stdin if no file is supplied.  So even
though I have not tried this I believe this should work.

  sudo cdrecord -v dev=0,1,0 speed=2 < /net/host/home/user/file.iso

The shell will do the I/O redirection and open the file before
starting up the command.  The file descriptor is just passed along and
becomes stdin for the cdrecord progam.  No need to change anything.


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