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Re: Debian: abandon ship?

>>"Ian" == Ian D Stewart <idstewart@compuvative.com> writes:

 Ian> But to answer your question, there are several projects I have
 Ian> an interest in.  I have even started writing code for eventual
 Ian> contribution to one of them.  You, or anybody else for that
 Ian> matter, are perfectly welcome to provide feedback regarding any
 Ian> of those projects.  Indeed most actively encourage user
 Ian> feedback.  If the feedback is in reference to an aspect I have
 Ian> in interest in or responsibility for, I will take it into
 Ian> consideration.  If I feel it is inappropriate, for what ever
 Ian> reason, I will let you know.  And I will not accuse you of
 Ian> telling me what to do.

	Constructive doalogue is one thing. Telling us we made a
 mistake, and we better own up, and that debian has started to, umm,
 suck, does not strike me as constructive. As to my responses to
 feedback, look at the responses I make to people filing bugs on my
 packages. That is feed back.
 "When the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to treat
 everything as if it were a nail." Abraham Maslow
Manoj Srivastava   <srivasta@debian.org>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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