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Re: Debian: abandon ship?

On Wed, Jun 05, 2002 at 12:47:17PM -0500, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
> >>"Ian" == Ian D Stewart <idstewart@compuvative.com> writes:
>  Ian> Speaking only for myself, it was the condescending tone adopted
>  Ian> by one of the developers (don't remember the fellow's name; he
>  Ian> was the one ranting about about his $250,00/hr fee) more than
>  Ian> the actual content that I found offensive.  While stating that
>  Ian> you don't give a rip about the users may be intelectually
>  Ian> honest, one should not be surprised when such statements
>  Ian> endanger userbase loyalty.
> 	That would be me. To bring in the context that you have elided,
>  this is exactly what I said:
>  Manoj> Telling me how to spend my time comes with the obligation of
>  Manoj> helping me pay my mortgage. My posted rates are $250 an hour.
> 	You have a strange definition of condescending. 
> 	Are you, then, opposed to this sentiment? Can we call on you
>  and tell you how to spend your time? 
> 	manoj

He didn't say he was opposed to the sentiment.  He was saying that by
stating the obvious, you were talking down to the other person.

Granted, in an exchange in which both parties think the other side
isn't seeing plain logic, it's a fuzzy line between making yourself
crystal clear and condescension.


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