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Re: Debian: abandon ship?

On Wed, Jun 05, 2002 at 08:25:22AM -0500, Brooks R. Robinson wrote:
> My conclusion is that Woody is effectively released already.  A large number
> of people have been running on Woody for quite some time.  It's as stable as
> it's going to get.  Just do an apt-get dist upgrade and get it over with
> already.

Uh huh.  And get cracked tomorrow because security updates are *not*
being made for woody at this time.  There is a list of approximately a
dozen *known* security problems with woody that will be dealt with
*later*.  Updates are not propogating from sid to woody at all right
now, even for security reasons.  Woody is probably at its most insecure
point in the development process right now.

Do not "Just do an apt-get dist upgrade and get it over with" unless you
have no reason to care about security or are willing to do security
investigations and fixes on your own.


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