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Re: Mgetty - Dial-in Server ---- HELP PLEASE!

On Tue, Jun 04, 2002 at 04:29:54PM -0700, curtis wanted to write, but

How? The contents of the relevant log file


should give a clue. (Apologies if you have looked already)

Having turned on debugging, here is the output of my log file:

[ snip, snip ]

06/04 16:30:46 ##### data dev=ttyS0, pid=18440, caller='none', conn='19200/ARQ/V34/LAPM/V42BIS', name='', cmd='/usr/sbin/pppd', user='/AutoPPP/'

OK. So mgetty is quite willing to start up pppd for you. Good.

Authorisation should be done by pppd in your case (I assume that you
don't want people to use mgetty's login prompt). Does mgetty


dial-in attempts as PPP connections?

[Answering my own question, but wth]: yes

If it does, then you should be able to get more clues by adding

to /etc/ppp/options.server and study /var/log/syslog (depending on


syslogd config). The pppd debug should tell you what is going on.

I'm afraid that the ball is back in your court....

Here's all I get relating to pppd in my syslog file.

Jun 5 11:44:37 Debian1 pppd[18695]: bad local IP address

What could that possibly mean?


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