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Re: Possible anti-spam reject host

hi ya paul

yes.... i hit one too many deletes too ..... at least wasn't too
bad  of a delete that i could get the email resent... etc

- am not as worried about "fat pipe" .. as opposed to 
  accidental deletes...

- reporting the spam is where it gets expensive real fast...
	-- few apps out there that takes your spam and
	reports it ... 

	( dozen or so spam reporting apps  )

c ya

On Fri, 31 May 2002, Paul Johnson wrote:

> On Fri, May 31, 2002 at 07:26:18PM -0700, Alvin Oga wrote:
> > 	- its still cheaper/faster in the long run to hit the "delete" key
> Faster?  Yes.  Cheaper?  There's long shots measured in light-years
> shorter than that.  You think disk space and bandwidth are free?  If
> you've found a place that'll give you a big disk for free, and a fat
> pipe for free, lemme know, where do I sign up?  JHD[1] considered
> harmful.  http://spamcop.net/ has tips and free reporting services.

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