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RE: X server setup

hmm thanks a lot i'll give it a try...
i just realised that for a USB mouse i have to install USQ control in the
kernel as well, cuz i got it working this morning..
thanks for the info..


-----Original Message-----
From: Eric Hanchrow
To: Slootbeek, Jule S
Sent: 5/31/2002 10:54 AM
Subject: Re: X server setup

>>>>> "Jule" == Slootbeek, Jule S <JSlootbeek@clarku.edu> writes:

    Jule> how do i get the GUI for Xsetup?  

I forget, but in fact there's (imho) a better way -- do `XFree86
-configure'.  It will probe your video card and generate a pretty good
config file for you, which you can then tweak by hand.

For some reason, this useful configuration technique is barely
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