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How do I install woody on 160 GB harddisk?


I'm planning to buy a 160 GB Maxtor harddisk for my new system. But there
seem to be problems regarding support of 48-bit LBA and the VIA VT8233A
(note the 'A', it's the southbridge supporting ATA133) chipset in kernel
2.4.18. So I wanted to ask if anyone here has experience with this
situation or can tell me how I have to proceed to get a working system?

I imagine that woody will only see 137 GB without a patched kernel. (And ,
possibly, won't activate UDMA, since the 8233A isn't supported in the
kernel. (The 8233 is.)) Is it possible to install it in this space, patch
the kernel, and then activate the rest of the disk with fips or whatever?
Or, since I want to install Win98 anyway in parallel, can I just install
Win98 in the upper part (> 137 GB) of the harddisk without having to patch

Cheers, Till

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