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Re: GIFs by mozilla

On Thu, 30 May 2002 18:41:51 -0300
Klaus Imgrund <claus.imgrund@terra.com.br> wrote:

> Had that happening for the third time now. Suddenly a directory like
> 'java files' or 'security files' shows up in /home/user with all kind
> of gif's in it.
> Anybody has the slightest idea what is going on there?
> P.S. Java isn't installed 

Did it just happen out of the blue, or were you trying to store html
files from the web? It seems that mozilla lately is able to completely
save web sites for offline reading, which it does by storing the html
document itself in $HOME and all content included there (pics, scripts,
whatever) into a newly created subdirectory. Is this possibly the thing
you are experiencing?


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