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Re: Q: How to find people with Debian skills

On Wed, May 29, 2002 at 05:04:03PM -0700, ben wrote:
| On Wednesday 29 May 2002 04:45 pm, Andrew Sweger wrote:
| > I need to locate individuals in the Irvine, California area with Debian
| > skills for hire. Is this an appropriate forum to seek such folk? (I don't
| > want to be accused of advertising.) Any objection to posting details about
| > what I need? Or is there another more appropriate place to do this?
| no objection from me. feel free. 

I like to know about jobs relating to the good software :-).  Though I
agree with some others that frequent postings of this nature would be
overwhelming (especially considering the volume of the list).

What if debian.org added a "jobs" section where people can post their
interest (employers and employee-wannabes)?  Any volunteers for
setting this up?
| put another way, any debian user who doesn't monitor this list wouldn't be 
| worth hiring.

Well, if the person follows debian-devel they might not have any time
left for debian-user.



Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge,
but he who hates correction is stupid.
        Proverbs 12:1
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