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Re: Getting perl code to run sgid

On Fri, May 24, 2002 at 09:52:58AM -0600, Bob Proulx wrote:
> Note that whenever you make a script suid or sgid you are trading in
> your padlock for a breadtie.  There are many well known trivial
> ways to fool a suid script into giving you a shell of the id it
> is set to.

I get the distinct impression, based on `perldoc perlsec` that perl
is smart enough to detect and circumvent the relevant

                                                     on many
       versions of Unix, set-id scripts are inherently insecure
       right from the start.  The problem is a race condition in
       the kernel.

       Fortunately, sometimes this kernel "feature" can be
       disabled.  Unfortunately, there are two ways to disable
       it.  The system can simply outlaw scripts with any set-id
       bit set, which doesn't help much.  Alternately, it can
       simply ignore the set-id bits on scripts.  If the latter
       is true, Perl can emulate the setuid and setgid mechanism
       when it notices the otherwise useless setuid/gid bits on
       Perl scripts.  It does this via a special executable
       called suidperl that is automatically invoked for you if
       it's needed.

       However, if the kernel set-id script feature isn't
       disabled, Perl will complain loudly that your set-id
       script is insecure.

No disagreement with respect to s[ug]id shell scripts, though.

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