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Re: Sound problems - newbie

Thus spake Ian D. Stewart last Fri, May 24, 2002 at 07:52:05AM -0400:
> On 2002.05.24 06:32 Christoph Schaefer wrote:
> > Hi Glen,
> > 
> > If adding yourself to the audio group doesn't solve the problem, try
> > it the
> > hard way:
> > as root do chmod 777 /dev/dsp and /dev/mixer
> According to the Sound HOWTO[1], the sound device files (/dev/audio, 
> /dev/dsp, /dev/mixer) should have permisions 0666[2].

While this certainly works, this also means giving all users access to
the sound device, thus Debian policy (? - I think) was to restrict
access of certain services to members of a particular group, like users
who are members of the audio group are the only ones that can access the
sound device. For security's sake... 


Paolo Alexis Falcone

"I think ideology sucks. This world would be a much better place if
people had less ideology, and a lot more "I do this because it's
FUN and because others might find it useful, not becaue I got
religion."" --> Linus Torvalds 

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