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some stranges things about apt-get install/remove


	I have installed tomcat/tomcat4/tomcat4-webapps/cocoon2/cocoon2-examples
	than remove them to make a new clean installation.

	After apt-get remove, some tomcat directories and file still there.
	I have removed them by hand

		rm -rf /var/cache/tomcat /var/log/tomcat /var/lib/tomcat /etc/tomcat
		rm -f /etc/init.d/tomcat*
		rm -f /etc/rc*.d/*tomcat*
		rm -f /etc/default/tomcat*
		rm -f /etc/logrotate.d/tomcat

	Then I apt-get install tomcat4 tomcat4-webapps but nothing works.
	(.deb from cache)

	The files /etc/init.d/tomcat4 /etc/rc*.d/*tomcat4 /etc/default/tomcat4 ...
	are not present.
	The server.xml file doesn't exist at all.

		What's wrong ???


Woody 3.0
Linux tanna 2.4.14 #3 SMP Thu Dec 6 14:04:03 CET 2001 i686 unknown

PGP fingerprint : 9AFA 15EC 96C9 F607 EBC1  DD41 70C5 F0E0 25A5 105B


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