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Re: base files for woody?

On Mon, 2002-01-14 at 02:49, Cheryl Homiak wrote:
> Sorry if this has been discussed, but I haven't found it. I like to have
> all the files together for a system in case of an emergency. At
> ftp.debian.or/debian/dists/woody/main/disks-i386/current, I can find
> root.bin and rescue.bin, drivers.tgz and, in the images-1.44 directory,
> drivers-1 through -4.bin, but nowhere can I find any base files. It was my
> guess that maybe we are still supposed to use the base files from potato,
> but in searching with "google" I cam across one comment telling people to
> use the base files from woody. so now i'm not sure. Does woody have its
> own base files and, if so, where are they hiding?

I managed to install Woody directly onto my laptop (on which the
network/modem card was not supported by the kernel) by building a
basedebs.tgz.  Download "debootstrap", its in the debian packages if you
have another debian box handy, or the source is also available if (like
me) you had to bootstrap via RedHat/any other OS.

This downloads the required base packages and creates a bootstrap
environment for them.  I recommend visiting #debian-boot on
irc.debian.net before attempting this, as it is tricky if you don't know
what is going on.

Ross Burton                               mail: ross.burton@mail.com
                                       jabber: rossburton@jabber.org
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