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Re: 2 distros coexisting?

On Sun, 2002-01-13 at 14:47, Ron Johnson wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi,
> Currently, my /dev/hda1 in unused, and I'd like to do a network
> install of Woody on it without disturbing my existing Mandrake 
> installation.
> Is there any way to share /dev/hda6 & /dev/hda7 between the 2 
> distros, and put Debian in /dev/hda1 (don't mind if it's 
> reformatted) without touching any of the other partitions? Of 
> course, both distros could share /dev/hda2 & /dev/hde1.

It mostly works and as suggested look out for the UID & GID issue.This
is one of other lesser irritations, when it comes to sharing home, if
you use i.e. Knode , in KDE ver 2.2.1 it is not compatible with ver KDE
2.2.2. (message handling) Its little things like this that make sharing
a pain.
Greg C. Madden
Debian GNU/Linux

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